In the words of the very wise Jack Donaghy (the character played by Alec Baldwin on NBC's 30 Rock), "Sometimes you have to change things that are perfectly good just to make them your own." So, before you have a nervous breakdown or panic attack, worried sick that the incredible Abbey Road blog has suddenly taken a drastic turn in light of its brand new look, rest assured that it is the same wonderful blog but we just felt like it was time to shake things up a bit. Think of it like facial reconstructive surgery: the outer shell may look shockingly different but underneath the skin is the same fabulous person. Worry not, friends! We're shaking up the Twitter page too but rolling with the same scheme as this here blog. Solidarity is the name of the game. Anywho, just wanted to explain the new look and assure you that the content of the Abbey Road blog will continue being nothing short of amazing and will, in fact, only get better! I hope all you Abbey Roaders are doing just swell! Summer is almost here!