The rumors are true! There is still time to submit your funny stories to us for a chance to win some fabulous prizes! The deadline has officially been extended to MONDAY, MAY 17th at which point the stories will be rounded up, judged, and winners will be chosen. Details as follows:
We've all had that "stranger in a strange land" feeling while traveling. Maybe you used exactly the wrong vocabulary word in Paris and told your waiter, "Thank you; nice butt," instead of "Thank you very much." Maybe after several days in Spain and several attempts at ordering a veggie salad you realized that every single one of them features tuna fish as a standard ingredient, ugh. Maybe those white Capri pants you bought in Florence aren’t quite what the guys in Minnesota are wearing this Spring. We're sure you have a story. Share it with us, and you could win one of several prizes including Apple products, your choice of gift cards, and Abbey Road alumni gear! Please send your story (maximum 500 words) to INFO@GOABBEYROAD.COM no later than MONDAY, MAY 17th to be considered. We look forward to laughing WITH you (not at you). Winning stories will be published on Abbey Road’s website and here on the blog in conjunction with our upcoming redesigned website launch!
We've all had that "stranger in a strange land" feeling while traveling. Maybe you used exactly the wrong vocabulary word in Paris and told your waiter, "Thank you; nice butt," instead of "Thank you very much." Maybe after several days in Spain and several attempts at ordering a veggie salad you realized that every single one of them features tuna fish as a standard ingredient, ugh. Maybe those white Capri pants you bought in Florence aren’t quite what the guys in Minnesota are wearing this Spring. We're sure you have a story. Share it with us, and you could win one of several prizes including Apple products, your choice of gift cards, and Abbey Road alumni gear! Please send your story (maximum 500 words) to INFO@GOABBEYROAD.COM no later than MONDAY, MAY 17th to be considered. We look forward to laughing WITH you (not at you). Winning stories will be published on Abbey Road’s website and here on the blog in conjunction with our upcoming redesigned website launch!