Remember, remember the 4th of December... for it shall be a day full of ice-skating, pizza, friends, and fun! The Official Abbey Road 2010 Alumni Reunion Event will kick off at 3:30pm at The Pond at Bryant Park and we really, really hope that you can join us!
Abbey Road’s summer staff and faculty cordially invite you to join us for ice skating and refreshments, where you can mingle with all your summer friends and staff in our private party room! After skating in Bryant Park, we will host a sit-down pizza dinner! This is a private event hosted by Abbey Road so make sure you R.S.V.P by calling 1-888-462-2239 or email info@goabbeyroad.com to confirm your attendance! Please indicate how many people will be coming from your family. R.S.V.P's must be received by November 22nd to allow adequate time for party planning.
Saturday, December 4th, 2010Abbey Road’s summer staff and faculty cordially invite you to join us for ice skating and refreshments, where you can mingle with all your summer friends and staff in our private party room! After skating in Bryant Park, we will host a sit-down pizza dinner! This is a private event hosted by Abbey Road so make sure you R.S.V.P by calling 1-888-462-2239 or email info@goabbeyroad.com to confirm your attendance! Please indicate how many people will be coming from your family. R.S.V.P's must be received by November 22nd to allow adequate time for party planning.
The Pond at Bryant Park
41 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018, (212) 661-6640
3:30pm - 5:30pm - Ice Skating in Bryant Park!
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Sit-down Pizza Dinner!
Students may participate in both events or R.S.V.P for Bryant Park exclusively. For more information and a preview of the venue visit: http://www.thepondatbryant
ALSO...as if this event isn't exciting enough...the Official Winners of the 2010 Alumni Photo Contest will be announced at the Alumni Reunion along with prizes! We hope to see you all there! Can't wait! Cheers!